The idea of a timeless and very tasteful approach will serve the company for many years to come since a particular design will be used as a flagship for other companies’ offices around the world.
The preference is given to natural earthy shades with a pop of red and metal brightness in detail in order to maintain the mission of the company and follow the flow of the trends in design.
The preference is given to natural earthy shades with a pop of red and metal brightness in detail in order to maintain the mission of the company and follow the flow of the trends in design.
The preference is given to natural earthy shades with a pop of red and metal brightness in detail in order to maintain the mission of the company and follow the flow of the trends in design.
We wanted to create a space that felt very welcoming and smooth. Rounded corners in a walkway, drapes all around the office for privacy and, sometimes, as a partition of the room to get more focus on the tasks given.
We wanted to create a space that felt very welcoming and smooth. Rounded corners in a walkway, drapes all around the office for privacy and, sometimes, as a partition of the room to get more focus on the tasks given.
Overall, Scandinavian design remains the principal, yet mid-century style furniture gives that sweet red “cherry vibe” for the space.
We wanted to create a space that felt very welcoming and smooth. Rounded corners in a walkway, drapes all around the office for privacy and, sometimes, as a partition of the room to get more focus on the tasks given.
Overall, Scandinavian design remains the principal, yet mid-century style furniture gives that sweet red “cherry vibe” for the space.